The Secret Niche for Real Estate Agents No One is Talking About

Sep 10, 2024

Niching down is smart for many reasons. It focuses your resources. It tightens you message. It saves you so much time. It also helps you find people and create content for them that’s relevant… all because of the NICHE. 

Most agents don’t niche down. They want to cast as wide a net as possible so they don’t miss an opportunity. Understandable. But a bit misguided. 

The riches are in the niches. And the good news is, if you can just make the niche fit YOU, the niches are fun too. 


The Secret Niche for Real Estate Agents

There is a niche for real estate agents that gets overlooked because it’s counterintuitive, but this niche holds the secret to more joy, deeper connection and better conversion. This niche makes it easy to find people your a match to. It’s a niche that makes starting conversations easier. It’s a niche that increases your email open rate and your social media engagement. It’s a niche that makes you stand out from every other real estate agent, because they’re not focused on this niche (most agents are trying to start their relationships at the time of the transaction). 

The secret niche no one is talking about is…

Your passion. 

Before you judge it, follow it through. People who show up as passionate carry a confident energy about them. People who share that passion find an immediate connection with the others. Passion is one of those things that creates trust simply because we share the passion. And many times we didn’t even earn that trust. It was purely given because of what we both care about. 

One of the ways I help agents find their passion, or one of their passions, is to ask “What could you talk about every day and never get tired of?” This question not only helps you find a place to focus, it helps you reverse engineer your consistency in marketing. 

That last point is important. 


The Key to Consistent Real Estate Agent Marketing

Most agents are inconsistent in their marketing. They’re bashful starting conversations about real estate. It’s because it feels transactional when you just meet someone and only talk about real estate. As humans, we know there is more to life than selling real estate. But because we have our business hat on, we think we’re suppose to ask them for referrals or hand them our business card. And you can do those things (ask for referrals and hand out your business cards), but the point is that if you’re bashful doing those things, find the things you’re not bashful about talking to people about. As in, your passion. 

If you can be consistent in meeting new people (who share the same passion) and following up with them about the passion you both share, you’re reverse engineering your consistency AND their engagement.

From the Millionaire Real Estate Agent, we know that a millionaire agent’s database is around 2000 people they’ve met and stay in contact with. Having a topic you’re passionate about allows you to find the others who are passionate about that as well and invite them into the “conversation” of that passion with confidence rather than resistance. If you could add 41 people in this niche a month to your database, in four years you would have a 2000 person database and they would be raving fans because of the passion you share and the conversation you have over time. 

Think about this…

Everything agents do for lead generation (events, newsletters, email campaigns, social media content, hand written notes, and more) get more engagement when they’re done ABOUT A TOPIC they care about. That’s just common sense. But we tend to miss that as real estate agent because we think we have to always talk about real estate. 

Does that mean that all you ever do is talk about your passion? Does it mean you turn away business with people who were referred to you that aren’t interested in that topic? Or that you shouldn’t have some kind of follow up plan in place for your friends and family that don’t feel as passionate about the topic as you? No, of course not. Service all the leads that come your way. Find the best ways you can to stay in touch with your sphere of influence. AND…

Know that you’ll get better engagement from something we’re both passionate about. So find the ones who share you passion and invite them into the “conversation” you’re hosting through your content, events, emails, etc. 


Staying Top of Mind

“But Chris, how will they know I’m in real estate?” 

I get this question all the time. I’ll pause for a moment for you to connect the dots… (connect the dots now).

It happens all the time. You’re at your kids soccer game talking to other parents and real estate comes up. You’re out to dinner and real estate comes up. You do pie giveaways (nothing to do with real estate) and yet real estate comes up… because they know you’re in real estate. 

I’m not saying you should hide from people that you’re in real estate. I’m suggesting that if you start the relationship “upstream” from the transaction around something you both have a passion for, the relationships will be stronger and easier to find. I’m saying that building your relationship around a passion you share makes your content marketing easier. It makes your newsletters easier.

For those in your niche, it also makes relationship with clients after the transaction easier. You stay in touch with content you want to share and they engage in that content (after the transaction) because they want to engage in it as well. Do you know how many agents don’t stay in touch with their clients after a home closes? (A lot!). Why is that? I think it’s because we don’t have anything to say. What, are you going to invite them to “search all MLS listings on your website”?? They just bought a home. Are you going to invite them to find out what their home is worth? They just sold their home. 

I’m speaking in some extremes here so you can get the point. This is a pretty long explanation for such a simple truth. But I draw it out so you can really sit with how powerful it is. You are not competing with other agents on how good an agent you are. You’re UPSTREAM, making a real human connection, putting you so far in front of other agents that when your people are ready to buy or sell there is no other agent for them but you. 

I could go on, but I’ll save that for when you and I have a one on one strategy session to find the niche you’re most excited about and how to build systems around it so you can get to 2000 people in 4 years… (wink).

The lead generation side of real estate can be very human if you lean into the things that make us human. So lean into this secret niche, your passion, and let’s connect to build a specific strategy just for you. 

*Schedule a no-obligation, confidential Discovery Call with me to see if my 6 Figure Agent coaching program is a fit for you.

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